www.fs-rs.si / News / News / The Fiscal Council acquired a new modeling tool to improve the assessment of long-term sustainability of public finances
Published: 06/13/2024

The Fiscal Council acquired a new modeling tool to improve the assessment of long-term sustainability of public finances

The Fiscal Council concluded a multi-year project with which we obtained a new model tool for assessing the long-term sustainability of public finances, with an emphasis on risks due to demographic changes. The project was financed by the European Commission within the Instrument of Technical Support to Member States (https://commission.europa.eu/funding-tenders/find-funding/eu-funding-programmes/technical-support-instrument/technical-support-instrument-tsi_sl ). The Danish DREAM Institute (https://dreamgroup.dk/), which has many years of experience in this field, was chosen to implement the model tool.

The project was officially completed with a workshop on 13 June 2024, where DREAM representatives presented a model to representatives of Slovenian institutions dealing with public finances (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, IMAD, SORS, Bank of Slovenia, IER). Despite the official end of the project, DREAM representatives will continue to provide support to the Fiscal Council in managing the model in the future.

The new tool will improve the Fiscal Council’s ability to assess the long-term sustainability of public finances, particularly in the area of demographic change. The tool also allows simulation of the effects of different policy change scenarios.

Predstavitev DREAM, 13. 6. 2024

Predstavitev DREAM, 13. 6. 2024

Predstavitev DREAM, 13. 6. 2024

Predstavitev DREAM, 13. 6. 2024

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