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Monthly Information, November 2022

According to provisional data, the state budget deficit amounted to EUR -283 million in the first ten months of 2022; without the direct impact of measures to mitigate the effects of the epidemic and inflation, the state budget would have had a surplus of EUR 465 million. Revenue excluding the direct impact of epidemic and […]


Assessment by the Fiscal Council: Assessment of budgetary documents for 2023 and 2024

Under current circumstances, fiscal policy needs to maintain the flexibility to act fast and ensure effective measures to cushion the blow of the cost of living crisis but at the same time avoid creating additional inflationary pressures and putting at risk the sustainability of public debt in the medium term. The draft budgets have taken […]


Monthly Information, October 2022

According to provisional data, the state budget deficit amounted to EUR -324 million in the first nine months of 2022, and without the direct impact of measures to mitigate the effects of the epidemic and inflation, the state budget would have a surplus of EUR 377 million. Comparison of the outturn so far and the […]


Assessment by the Fiscal Council: Fulfilment of conditions for the existence of exceptional circumstances in 2023

The outlook for 2023 is currently characterised by extreme uncertainty, which requires flexible government action, and high risks of a further deterioration in the economic growth outlook, which could have important financial implications for the general government sector’s financial position. While taking urgent action to limit the impact of the energy price increases, the Government […]


Assessment by the Fiscal Council: Assessment of compliance of the Draft Revised Budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2022 and of the Proposal for the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the framework for preparing the general government budgets for the 2022–2024 period with the fiscal rules

The draft revised budget foresees a reduction in the overall state budget deficit from EUR 3.1 billion in 2021 to EUR 2.0 billion in 2022. The decrease compared to last year is due to high nominal GDP growth and consequently higher revenues, and a much less negative impact of one-off factors on the balance than […]


Monthly Information, September 2022

According to provisional data, the state budget deficit amounted to EUR -342 million in the first eight months of 2022, while, without taking into account the direct effect of COVID-related measures, there would have been a surplus of EUR 189 million. Revenues increased by 16.7% year-on-year in the first eight months of 2022 and 20.2% […]

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