Monthly Information, September 2023
In the first eight months of 2023, the state budget recorded a deficit (of EUR 735 million), which amounted to EUR 95 million excluding the impact of expenditure to contain the epidemic (EUR 161 million) and measures to mitigate the cost-of-living crisis (EUR 479 million). The eight-month outturn confirms the Fiscal Council’s assessment on continued […]
Public Finance and Macroeconomic Developments, July 2023
In the first half of this year, the fiscal situation deteriorated slightly, which is mostly related to high inflation. Its initial positive impact on revenue, which was noticeable last year, has gradually faded and with a certain delay the pressure on expenditure increased, as expected. The direct impact of intervention measures has been slightly less […]
Monthly Information, June 2023
In the first five months of the year, the state budget recorded a deficit (of EUR 226 million), and, excluding the impact of expenditure to contain the epidemic (EUR 101 million) and the measures to ease the cost-of-living crisis (EUR 362 million), a surplus in the amount of EUR 238 million. The evolution of the […]
Report on the Fiscal Council’s operations in 2022
According to the Fiscal Rule Act, the Fiscal Council is obliged to submit a report on its activities in the previous year to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia by the end of May each year. Under this law, adopted in June 2015, the Fiscal Council is an autonomous and independent state authority […]
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