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Assessment by the Fiscal Council: Compliance of the general government budgets with the fiscal rules in 2023

The fiscal position improved last year; contrary to the Government’s plans, the fiscal policy was relatively restrictive. The reduction in the general government deficit below the Maastricht limit was made possible by the favourable macroeconomic situation, particularly in terms of public finance. Realised public spending was within the adopted three-year framework. Given that, when the […]


The Fiscal Council acquired a new modeling tool to improve the assessment of long-term sustainability of public finances

The Fiscal Council concluded a multi-year project with which we obtained a new model tool for assessing the long-term sustainability of public finances, with an emphasis on risks due to demographic changes. The project was financed by the European Commission within the Instrument of Technical Support to Member States (https://commission.europa.eu/funding-tenders/find-funding/eu-funding-programmes/technical-support-instrument/technical-support-instrument-tsi_sl ). The Danish DREAM Institute […]


Monthly Information, June 2024

According to preliminary data, the state budget, excluding the direct impact of intervention measures, recorded a surplus of EUR 210 million in the first five months of 2024, which was similar to the figure in the same period last year (EUR 237 million). The growth of “core” revenue (excluding intervention measures) was higher on average […]


Report on the Fiscal Council’s operations in 2023

According to the Fiscal Rule Act, the Fiscal Council is obliged to submit a report on its activities in the previous year to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia by the end of May each year. Under this law, adopted in June 2015, the Fiscal Council is an autonomous and independent state authority […]


Monthly Information, May 2024

According to preliminary data, the state budget, excluding the direct impact of intervention measures, recorded a surplus of EUR 162 million in the first four months of 2024, which was lower than in the same period last year (EUR 292 million). The growth of “core” revenue (excluding intervention measures) was slightly higher on average in […]


Assessment by the Fiscal Council: Assessment of budgetary documents for the 2024–2027 period

The general government deficit, excluding the intervention measures, is expected to remain at a similar level until 2027, after an increase to around 2.0% of GDP this year, despite the projected stable and relatively favourable macroeconomic conditions mirrored in general government revenue. The projected deterioration of the fiscal position this year is mainly due to […]

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