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Statement regarding the Draft Budgetary Plan for 2018 and 2019

The Draft Budgetary Plan is an important document in the context of the coordination and monitoring of economic policies in the EU in which Member States are required to present the main guidelines on the fiscal targets and measures for the coming year prior to the adoption of budget documents in national parliaments. The document […]


The Fiscal Council’s explanation concerning the published Assessment of fiscal and macroeconomic consequences of the Coalition Agreement on Cooperation within the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in the 2018–2022 term of office

Pursuant to the Fiscal Rule Act the Fiscal Council is an independent and autonomous body required to review compliance with the fiscal rules, thereby guaranteeing the conditions for long-term sustainability of public finance. The Fiscal Council is aware that the coalition agreement is not a budget document and also not necessarily a binding document. Nevertheless, […]


Assessment of fiscal and macroeconomic consequences of the Coalition Agreement on Cooperation within the Government of the Republic of Slovenia in the 2018–2022 term-of-office

Having examined the measures in the Coalition Agreement, the Fiscal Council established that consistent implementation of these measures could distance Slovenia from its medium-term fiscal objective and ensuring fiscal sustainability. Considering the position of the economy, this would translate as procyclical and hence unsuitable fiscal policy. The Coalition Agreement on Cooperation within the Government of […]


Fiscal Council held a meeting with Prime Minister elect Mr Marjan Šarec

The Prime Minister elect Mr Marjan Šarec responded to the invitation and visited Fiscal Council together with Mr Vojmir Urlep today. During an informal meeting the Fiscal Council presented the meaning of fiscal rules to ensure medium term public finance sustainability, while the debate also touched the pubilc finance aspects of coalition agreement. Both sides […]


Assessment by the Fiscal Council: Proposal for the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the framework for the preparation of the general government budgets for the 2018–2020 period

The Fiscal Council assesses that the proposal for the Ordinance does not comply with the provisions of the Fiscal Rules Act. Such an assessment is based on the fact that neither the political and macro-economic circumstances nor the situation in healthcare have further changed since the preparation of the Stability Programme 2018. Moreover, neither have […]


Fiscal Council publishes Public Finance and Macroeconomics Developments and calls on the new government under formation to ensure the sustainability of public finances

The favourable economic and fiscal trends continued at the beginning of 2018. A strong increase in public revenues and a moderate increase in expenditures resulted in a general government surplus of 0.6% of GDP. The year-on-year growth in revenues (6.1%) in the first quarter was associated with a continued increase in economic activity and favourable […]

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