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Fiscal Council warns against adopting anti-corona legislation measures that will worsen the structural position of public finance

Due to the changing demographic structure, the long-term sustainability of public finance in Slovenia is exposed to many risks. The amendments to the pension legislation adopted in 2019 only led the situation to deteriorate, while appropriate compensatory measures have not yet been adopted. The proposal of the seventh anti-corona package (ACP7-PKP7 in Slovene version) contains […]


Assessment by the Fiscal Council: Assessment of budgetary documents for 2021 and 2022

In the current uncertain conditions, expansionary fiscal policy is counter-cyclical and, as such, appropriate in the light of available forecasts. However, the planned expenditure of the general government sector in the coming years is high and therefore exposed to significant risks, especially related to their effectiveness. At the same time, the current situation should not […]


Assessment by the Fiscal Council: Compliance of the draft Revised budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2020 and of the draft Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the framework for the preparation of the general government budget for the 2020–2022 period with the fiscal rules

The Fiscal Council has assessed the draft revised budget of the Republic of Slovenia for 2020 and the draft Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the framework for the preparation of the general government budget for the 2020–2022 period. Due to exceptional circumstances, a temporary deviation from the fiscal rules is permitted this year, but the […]


The updated assessment of the actual fiscal impact of the adopted one-off anti-crisis measures

Upon the adoption of one-off anti-crisis measures, the Fiscal Council decided to continuously monitor their fiscal impact and to regularly update its assessment. This time we are publishing the fourth assessment of the actual impact of one-off anti-crisis measures, which includes the likely final impact of the first anti-coronavirus legislative package, while the financial impact […]

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