www.fs-rs.si / News / News / Monthly Information, June 2024
Published: 06/05/2024

Monthly Information, June 2024

According to preliminary data, the state budget, excluding the direct impact of intervention measures, recorded a surplus of EUR 210 million in the first five months of 2024, which was similar to the figure in the same period last year (EUR 237 million).

The growth of “core” revenue (excluding intervention measures) was higher on average in the first five months of 2024 (6.6%) than in the same period last year (0.3%). The growth of “core” expenditure was also higher, at 7.4% (6.4% in the same period last year).

The total volume of various intervention measures in the first five months of 2024 (EUR 240 million) was about half of that in the same period last year (EUR 459 million).

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