www.fs-rs.si / Fiscal Council / Who we are

Who we are

The Fiscal Council has three members, i.e. the President and two members. Members of the Fiscal Council are appointed for a period of five years, but for not more than two consecutive periods. The function of a member of the Fiscal Council is incompatible with holding a public office including activities of managing, supervising or representing direct and indirect spending units of the budgets of the general government sector.

The President represents the Fiscal Council and organises and manages its work. In accordance with the provisions of the Fiscal Rule Act, the President of the Fiscal Council must be employed with the Fiscal Council for at least half-time full employment, whereas the members of the Fiscal Council may be employed with the Fiscal Council for not more than half-time full employment.

Administrative and technical tasks (human resources, information technology and accounting tasks, public relations tasks, etc.) for the Fiscal Council are performed by the services of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia.

Fiscal Council Members

Dr. Davorin Kračun, predsednik Fiskalnega sveta

Dr. Davorin Kračun

E: Davorin.Kracun(at)fs-rs.si

Curriculum vitae

Alenka Jerkič

Alenka Jerkič

E: Alenka.Jerkic(at)fs-rs.si

Curriculum vitae

Mag. Tomaž Perše

Tomaž Perše, MSc

E: Tomaz.Perse(at)fs-rs.si

Curriculum vitae


Analysis service

The Analysis Service provides expert assistance to the Fiscal Council’s members. In this context it regularly monitors and analyses macroeconomic and fiscal developments in Slovenia and abroad and prepares expert groundwork for the opinions and publications of Fiscal Council.

Head of the Analysis Service

Aleš Delakorda, MSc

E: Ales.Delakorda(at)fs-rs.si

© Fiscal Council 2017 - 2025

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