www.fs-rs.si / News / News / Assessment by the Fiscal Council: Proposal for the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the framework for the preparation of the general government budgets for the 2018–2020 period
Published: 08/07/2018

Assessment by the Fiscal Council: Proposal for the Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the framework for the preparation of the general government budgets for the 2018–2020 period

The Fiscal Council assesses that the proposal for the Ordinance does not comply with the provisions of the Fiscal Rules Act. Such an assessment is based on the fact that neither the political and macro-economic circumstances nor the situation in healthcare have further changed since the preparation of the Stability Programme 2018. Moreover, neither have other budget documents and consequently the adjustment of the overall framework been prepared on the basis of the changed circumstances since autumn 2017 nor have these changed circumstances been fully taken into consideration. Since the preparation of the Stability Programme 2018, risks that could undermine macro-economic and fiscal results have been increasing, which calls for greater precaution in planning processes. Furthermore, the proposal for the Ordinance does not explain the unchanged total level of expenditures of the general government while increasing the maximum level of expenditures of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia.

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